AIA / Protect Elite Ultra 3 加裕智倍保3
- Provides coverage for Life, Critical Illness, Early Stage Critical Illness and Severe Child Diseases all in one plan with attractive savings elements
- Cover 58 Critical Illnesses, 44 Early Stage Critical Illnesses and 13 Severe Child Diseases
- Provide extra death and critical illness benefit in first 10 Policy Years with Coverage Booster
- Provide Selected Critical Illness Shield Benefit, covering multiple cancer, heart attack and stroke
- Provide first-in-market “Cancer Treatment Flexi Option”, giving the option to shorten the cancer waiting period to 1 year by claiming 50% initial sum assured
- Provides extra benefits of “Waiver of Premium on Death (Parents/Spouse)”, “Serious Infectious Disease Protection Benefit”, “Super Lifestage Option” and “Cover For Undetected Congenital Conditions” which are all first-in-market in Hong Kong
- Super Lifestage Option: An option to purchase an additional life protection insurance plan without requiring further health information upon any of the milestone events
- United States Dollar as the policy currency
- Premium payment period: 10-year, 18-year, 25-year and 30-year
- The premium is level but not guaranteed
- Issue age 15 days – age 65 subject to premium payment term
Brochure (download Eng / Chi)
AIA Flash (download Chi)
Proposal Sample
- Smoker
- Non-Smoker