Extra Perils Endorsement Sample 火險附加險批單樣本
2012-02-27 17:39
重要事項: 以下之保險條款樣本僅供參考。請留意所有條款內容、自付額/免賠額的數目,應以閣下之正式保險單為準。
EP01A – Aircraft 飛機
Damage directly caused by aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom excluding Damage caused by any aircraft for which permission to land has been extended by the Insured.
EP02A - Bush Fire 山火
Damage occasioned by or through or in consequence of the burning of forests, bush, prairie, pampas or jungle and the clearing of lands by fire but excluding such clearing by or on behalf of the Insured.
EP03B - Earthquake (Fire Shock & Flood) 地震(火災及水浸)
Damage by fire or otherwise, directly caused by earthquake or volcanic eruption including flood or overflow of the sea occasioned hereby, but excluding in respect of Damage caused other than by fire:
1.The first HK$3,000 of each and every loss as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average and occurring within each and every separate period of 72 consecutive hours during the currency of this Policy
2.metal smoke stacks, awnings, blinds, signs or other outdoor fixtures and fittings unless specifically insured.
因地震或火山爆發直接引致的火警或其他災險(包括洪水泛濫或海嘯)所造成的損毀,但不包括以下由火警以外之因素所引致的損毀:(a) 每次損失之首港幣三千元: 每次損失指每一事故按比例分攤條款計算後之損失,而保險期間內每連續七十二小時內發生的事故均視為一次事故;(b) 金屬煙囪、帆布蓬、窗簾、招牌或其他戶外裝置,惟投保人指明者除外。
EP04A - Explosion 爆炸
Damage by fire or otherwise, directly caused by explosion, but excluding
1.Damage to boilers, economisers, or other vessels, machinery or apparatus in which pressure is used, or Damage to their contents resulting from their explosion
2.Damage occasioned by or through or in consequence, directly or indirectly, of any act of terrorism committed by any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organization (for the purposes of this exclusion ‘terrorism’ means the use of violence for political ends and includes any use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public in fear).
(i) 鍋爐、節省燃料裝置或其他使用汽壓之器皿、機器或器具因爆炸而造成的損毀,或內置部件因其本身爆炸而造成的損毀;(ii) 因任何人士代表或與任何組織有關而進行恐佈主義活動,而直接或間接促成、引致或導致的損毀。(就本保險單的除外責任而言,「恐佈主義活動」是指為達政治目的而使用暴力,包括為使任何公眾或某界別的公眾恐慌而使用暴力)。
EP05A – Vehicle Impact (by third party vehicle) 汽車碰撞(由第三者的汽車引致者)
Damage by fire or otherwise, caused by Impact by any road vehicle, horses or cattle not belonging to or under the control of the Insured or any member of the lnsured’s household or any person employed by the Insured, but excluding the first HK$3,000 of each and every loss as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average.
因不屬於投保人、其任何家屬或僱員,或不受上述人士控制的任何汽車、馬匹或牛隻所造成的火警或其他災險而引致的損毀,但不包括已按比例分攤條款計算後的每項損失之首港幣3,000 元。
EP06A – Riot & Strike 暴動或罷工
Damage directly caused by
1.the act of any person taking part together with others in any disturbance of the public peace (whether in connection with a strike or lock-out or not)
2.the wilful act of any striker or locked-out worker done in furtherance of a strike or in resistance to a lock-out
3.the action of any lawfully constituted authority in suppressing or attempting to suppress or in minimising the consequences of any act mentioned in (a) and (b) above
but excluding:
(i) Damage occasioned through or in consequence, directly or indirectly, of
1.any act of terrorism committed by any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organization (for the purposes of this exclusion “Terrorism” means the use of violence for political ends and includes any use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public in fear)
2.civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising
3.the malicious act of any person (whether or not such act is committed in the course of disturbance of the public peace) not being the wilful act of any rioter striker or locked-out worker in furtherance of a riot or strike or in resistance to a lock-out
(ii) Damage resulting from total or partial cessation of work or the retarding or interruption or cessation of any process or operation.
(iii) Damage occasioned by
1.permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation, commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority;
2.permanent or temporary dispossession of any building resulting from the unlawful occupation by any person of such building provided nevertheless that the Company is not relieved of any liability to the Insured in respect of physical damage to the Property Insured occurring before dispossession or during temporary dispossession.
因下列情況直接引致的損毀:(a) 任何人士與其他人士共同擾亂公眾安寧的行為(不論是否與罷工或被停工有關);(b) 任何罷工或停工人士促使罷工或抵抗停工的故意行為;(c) 任何合法機關因鎮壓、企圖鎮壓或減低上文(a) 和(b) 所述行為而作出的行動。但不包括:
1.由下列情況而直接或間接促使或引致的損毀:(a) 因任何人士替任何團體執行或執行與任何團體有關的恐佈主義活動(就本保險單的除外責任而言,「恐佈主義活動」是指為達政治目的而使用暴力,包括為使任何公眾或某界別的公眾恐慌而使用暴力);(b) 規模達致叛亂程度之民眾騷動;(c) 任何人士的惡意作為(不論該等作為是否擾亂公眾安寧)而非任何暴民、罷工者或停工人士促使暴動、罷工或拒被停工時的故意行為;
(a) 任何合法成立的主管當局執行充公或徵用而引致永久或暫時喪失使用權;(b) 任何人士非法佔用建築物而引致永久或暫時性喪失該建築物之使用權;惟本公司對受保人於永久喪失使用權之前或於短暫性喪失使用權期間內受保財產所受之實質損毀仍負賠償責任。
EP06C - Malicious Damage 惡意破壞
Damage directly caused by the malicious act of any person (whether or not such act is committed in the course of a disturbance of the public peace), but excluding
1.Damage by explosion
2.Damage arising out of or in the course of theft or any attempt thereat
provided that cover under Extra Peril EP06A (Riot & Strike) is in force and subject to the application of the exclusions under that Extra Peril extension wording other than EP06A (i) (c).
因任何人的惡意行為直接造成的損毀(不論該等作為是否擾亂公眾安寧),但不包括:(i) 由爆炸所造成的損毀;(ii) 因盜竊或任何意圖盜竊所造成的損毀;惟這項保障須以有效的額外保障EP06A(暴動與罷工)為受保前題,並以該項額外保障的除外責任條款(EP06A(i)(c) 項除外)為依據。
EP08A–Sprinkler Leakage 消防灑水裝置滲漏
Damage directly caused by water discharged or leaking from the Automatic Sprinkler Installation installed in that part of the Situation insured which is occupied by the Insured but excluding Damage to the said Installation, provided that
1.such discharge or leakage of water shall be accidental and shall not be occasioned by or happen through (a) heat caused by fire; (b) repairs or alterations to the buildings or premises; (c) repair, removal or extension of the said Installation; (d) the order of the Government or of any Authority; (e) explosion, the blowing-up of buildings or blasting
2.the Insured shall at all times take all reasonable steps to prevent damage to the said Installation and, so far as his responsibility extends, to maintain the said Installation, including the automatic external alarm signal, in efficient condition. In the event of any discharge or leakage from the said Installation the Insured shall do and permit to be done all things practicable, whether by removal or otherwise, to save and protect the Property Insured
3.whenever it is intended to make any changes, repairs or alterations to the said Installation, the Insured shall give written notice thereof to the Company
4.the Company shall have access to the Situation insured at all reasonable times for purposes of inspection and if the Company shall notify the Insured of defects in the construction or condition of the said Installation requiring alteration or repairs the Company may also at their option by notice in writing suspend the insurance by this extension until such alteration or repairs shall be duly completed.
(i) 有關排水或滲漏必須純屬意外,並不得由以下因素促成或引致:(a) 由火產生的熱力;(b) 建築物或處所經過維修或改裝;(c) 所述裝置經過維修、搬遷或延展;(d) 政府或有關當局的指令;(e) 爆炸、爆破建築物或炸藥爆破。
(ii) 投保人須在任何時刻採取一切合理的措施,以防止所述裝置損毀,並盡力在其責任範圍內,保養所述裝置,包括外置自動警報訊號系統的效能。若所述裝置出現任何排水或滲漏,投保人須作出或准予作出一切可行的辦法搶救,不論是搬遷或其他方式,以保護及保障所保財產。
(iii) 凡投保人有意對所述裝置進行任何更改、維修或改裝,必須先以書面通知本公司。
(iv) 本公司可在任何合理的時間視察受保處所。若本公司通知投保人所述裝置的建築或裝置出現毛病而需要改裝或維修,本公司可選擇以書面通知投保人暫停本附加的保障,直至完成改裝或維修為止。
EP09B - Typhoon & Windstorm (including Flood) 颱風及暴風(包括洪水)
Damage by fire or otherwise, directly caused by typhoon or windstorm but excluding
1.in respect of Damage caused other than by fire: (a) the first HK$3,000 of each and every loss as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average and occurring within each and every separate period of 72 consecutive hours during the currency of this Policy (b) metal smoke stacks, awnings, blinds, signs or other outdoor fixtures and fittings unless specifically insured (c) premises in course of construction, alteration or repair except when all outside doors, windows and other openings are complete and protected against typhoon or windstorm unless specifically insured
2.Damage caused by (a) subsidence or landslip (b) hail, whether wind driven or not (c) rain entering the building other than through openings made in its fabric by the direct force of the typhoon or windstorm
3.Damage caused by (a) the escape of water from its normal confines whether natural or artificial; (b) inundation from the sea unless directly resulting from typhoon or windstorm.
(i) 有關火警以外引致的損毀: (a) 每次損失之首港幣3,000 元,每次損失乃每一事故按比例分攤條款計算後之損失,而保險期間內每連續72 小時內發生的事故均視為一次事故。(b) 金屬煙、帆布蓬、窗簾、招牌或其他戶外裝置,但特別承保者除外;(c) 建築、改建或修理中之房屋,除非其所有戶外門、窗、孔洞等工程已完成及作好防風措施,但特別承保除外。
(ii) 因下列原因引致之損毀: (a) 地陷及山泥傾瀉;(b) 冰雹,無論是否由風推動;(c) 雨水進入建築物內,但因颱風或暴風之直接力量由建築物結構的破孔迫入者除外。
(iii) 因下列原因引致之損毀: (a) 從平常儲水池(無論其從天然或人工範圍)的洩水;(b) 海水氾濫,但直接起因於颱風或暴風者則除外。
EP09C - Typhoon, Windstorm & Flood 颱風、暴風及洪水
Damage by fire or otherwise, directly caused by typhoon, windstorm or flood but excluding
1.in respect of Damage caused other than by fire (a) the first HK$3,000 of each and every loss as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average and occurring within each and every separate period of 72 consecutive hours during the currency of this Policy; (b) metal smoke stacks, awnings, blinds, signs or other outdoor fixtures and fittings unless specifically insured (c) premises in course of construction, alteration or repair except when all outside doors, windows and other openings are complete and protected against typhoon or windstorm unless specifically insured
2.Damage caused by (a) subsidence or landslip (b) hail, whether wind driven or not (c) rain entering the building other than through openings made in its fabric by the direct force of the typhoon or windstorm
3.Damage caused by accumulation of water resulting from circumstances where the Insured could, but has failed to, take reasonable steps to prevent such accumulation.
(i) 因火災以外因素所引致的損毀:(a) 每次損失之首港幣三千元,每次損失指每一事故按比例分攤條款計算後之損失,而保險期間內每連續七十二小時內發生的事故均視為一次事故;(b) 金屬煙囪、帆布蓬、窗簾、招牌或其他戶外裝置,惟特別
指明受保者除外。(c) 在建築、改裝或維修期間的房屋,除非其所有戶外門、窗及其他孔洞等已完整安裝妥當及作好防風措施,唯特別指明的受保者除外;
(ii) 因下列因素所造成的損毀:(a) 地陷或山泥傾瀉;(b) 冰雹,不論是否由風勢所推動;及(c) 雨水進入建築物內,但因颱風或暴風的直接力量由建築物結構的破孔迫入者除外;
(iii) 因投保人疏忽而未有採取合理措施,以防止積水所引致的損毀。
EP10A – Water Tanks Apparatus & Pipes 水箱、輸水裝置或水管
Damage directly caused by bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes but excluding (i) the first HK$3,000 of each and every loss as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average (ii) Damage to water tanks, apparatus or pipes (iii) Damage caused by water discharged or leaking from any installation of automatic sprinklers.
(i) 每項損失之首港幣三千元: 每次損失指每一事故按比例分攤條款計算後之損失;(ii) 水箱、輸水裝置或水管出現損毀;及(iii) 任何自動消防灑水系統或滲漏而引致的損毀。
EP11A - Landslip and Subsidence 山泥崩塌及地陷
Loss of or damage to the Property Insured directly caused by subsidence of the site or landslip, occurring within the period stated in the schedule but excluding
1.Loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence directly or indirectly of any of the following occurrences:(a) Coastal erosion (b) Ground heave (c) Bedding down of structures or the settlement of made up ground within five years of the completion of such works
2.Loss or damage to paths drives fences gates boundary and retaining walls caused by subsidence and/or landslip.
3.Unless otherwise specifically insured, the cost of removal of subsidence and/or landslip debris or the making good of the site following subsidence and/or landslip except in so far as is necessary to repair the Property Insured.
4.Loss or damage directly occasioned by or through defective design or workmanship or the use of defective materials.
5.Consequential loss or damage of any kind or description.
6.The first HKD10,000 or 10% of each and every loss, whichever is the greater, as ascertained after the application of any Condition of Average and occurring within each and every separate period of 72 consecutive hours during the currency of this Policy.
1.The Insured shall maintain the Insured Property in sound repair and shall take all responsible steps to prevent damage from the perils covered hereby.
2.The Insured shall notify the Company immediately: (i) Any excavations are commenced beneath, or around in the vicinity of the Insured Property. In such event the Company shall have the right to vary or cancel the cover provided under this Policy. (ii) Of the operation of an insured peril affecting any part of the site (whether or not the Insured Property is involved) or its nearby surroundings.
1.直接或間接遭受下列事件,或透過下列事件,或由於下列事件所引致的損毀:(a) 地陷或山泥傾瀉;(b) 冰雹,不論是否由風勢所推動;及(c) 雨水進入建築物內,但因颱風或暴風的直接力量由建築物結構的破孔迫入者除外;
6.每次損失之首港幣10,000 元或該損失之百份之十(以較高者為準); 每次損失是指每一事故按比例分擔條款計算後之損失。而保險期內連續72 小時內發生的事故均視為一次事故。
1. 投保人應保持所保財產處於良好狀態,並採取一切負責任的措施以防止上述所保災險的發生。
2. 投保人應立即通知本公司以下情況:
(i) 在所保財產下面,周圍或鄰近地區展開挖掘工程。在此情形下,本公司有權改變或取消本保單所提供的保障;
(ii) 發生影響所保財產之任何範圍(不論是否涉及所保財產)或其周圍環境的所保之災險。