「外遊警示制度」的目的是協助香港居民更容易了解在前往85個較多港人到訪的海外國家/屬地時所可能面對的人身安全風險。 當這些國家/屬地出現可 能影響香港居民人身安全的事故時,保安局會評估風險,當中包括風險的性質(例如 是否針對旅客)、程度及持續性,並考慮是否需發出外遊警示。 若有公共衞生的理 由,保安局會按食物及衞生局建議的警戒級別,就受傳染病嚴重影響的國家/屬地發出 外遊警示,協助市民更容易掌握可能面對的健康風險。

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早前歐洲接二連三發生恐襲,出發旅行前購買旅遊保險時,應就外遊警示注意有關保 障條款。
本港保安局設立『外遊警示制度』,協助香港居民更容易了解在前往海外國家時可能 面對的風險。若有公共衛生的理由,保安局亦會按食物及衛生局建議的警戒級別,就 受傳染病嚴重影響的國家發出外遊警示,協助市民掌握可能面對的健康風險。
市面上不少旅遊保險均會就外遊警示方面提供保障。因此,外遊前謹記選擇適合自己 需要,配合旅遊保險,就能更安心地暢游各地。(輯錄於:理財有道/花旗銀行 11/10/2016)
 我個客去澳洲15天,會玩飛機高空跳傘,他之前沒有學過,活動應該講解完安全需知就會安排佢地跳,不過會有專業教練陪 同一齊 跳! 除左跳傘佢地仲會玩水上電單車,浮潛,同自駕遊
 Chubb worldwide plan 3, does the plan cover smartphone as before?
Ans:- Mobile phone will be in regard to “each other item/set/pair” under F. Personal Property (d)
subject to term and condition of the policy.
 Further to our conversation, the clients often purchased ACE TravelWell Travel Insurance for Ice Hockey Training in the past, and they are concerned whether the new CHUBB TravelWell Protection Plan will cover Ice Hockey training.
Ans:- According to the policy wording of Chubb TravelWell Protection Plan, we have no exclusion on sport training (incl. Ice hockey) provided that the sport training should not fall into our general exclusions:
Eng: Participation in:
1.Any extreme sports and sporting activities that presents a high level of inherent danger (i.e. involves a high level of expertise, exceptional physical exertion, highly specialized gear or stunts) including but not limited to cliff jumping, horse jumping, stunt riding, big wave surfing and canoeing down rapids; unless such sports or sporting activities are usual tourist activities that are accessible to the general public without restriction (other than height or general health or fitness warnings) and which are provided by a recognized local tour operator, providing that an Insured Person is acting under the guidance and supervision of qualified guides and/ or instructors of the tour operators when carrying out such tourist activities.
2.Any professional competitions or sports in which an Insured Person receives remuneration, sponsorship or any forms of financial rewards, any stunt activity, off-piste skiing,
3.Racing, other than on foot but this does not include long-distance running more than ten (10) kilometres, biathlons and triathlons,
4.Private white water rafting grade 4 and above,
5.Any kind of climbing , Mountaineering or Trekking or ordinarily necessitating the use of specialized equipment including but not limited to crampons, pickaxes, anchors, bolts, carabineers and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment,
6.Scuba diving unless an Insured Person holds a PADI certification (or similar recognized qualification) or when diving with a qualified instructor. The maximum depth that this policy covers is as specified under the Insured Person’s PADI certification (or similar recognized qualification). However, in any situation, it should not be deeper than thirty (30) meters and he/she must not be diving alone.
6.潛水活動,除非受保人持PADI証書(或同類認可的資格)、或在合資格的導師指導下陪同之下進行潛水。深度限制不能超過受保人的 PADI証書(或同類認可的資格)所注明的深度,惟在任何情況下都不得超過三十(30)米深及不得單獨進行潛水。
地址:香港上環德輔道中282號興業商業中心11樓1105-08室 電郵:vip@sunflowergroup.com.hk 電話:(852) 2521-1881 傳真:(852) 2521-1919
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