請以英文正楷填寫此表格及在適當方格內加 Please complete the table in English block letter and tick if applicable
Building/Flat Including Landlord’s Fixtures And Fittings (But Excluding Drains & Foundations)
Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings
Goods & Merchandise
Machinery & Accessories (Excluding Moulds Of Any Kind)
Clothing & Personal Effects (Excluding Jewelry & Watches)
過往三年有否索償 Any Claim in the past 3 years? 有Yes 否No
日期 Date:
投保人簽署 Applicant's Signature:
香港德輔道中282號興業商業中心11樓1108室 Room 1108, Hing Yip Commercial Centre, 282 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong 電話Tel: (852) 2521-1881 傳真Fax: (852) 2521-1919 網址Website: www.sunflowerVIP.com www.sunflowerMPF.com